Program Design & Implementation

ELCG works side-by-side with leaders to identify needs, design pragmatic plans and develop capacity for action. We also design, facilitate and manage educator engagement processes so that educators are involved in real problem-solving and decision-making and join other stakeholders in taking ownership of new policies and reforms. Our consultants have designed and led new programs and initiatives, developed district policies and programs, staffed offices at the school, school system and state levels and evaluated programs for impact and improvement.

Research, Program Analysis & Program Strategy

Nearly every engagement we conduct includes research and analysis as a starting point for deeper exploration and decision making. We apply our expertise with a host of issues – ranging from college readiness, access and completion, to assessment and accountability, to teaching effectiveness, to Private/Charter school policy – to conduct in-depth and relevant research, analysis, strategy and implementation support for our clients. We also utilize our relationships and connections with practitioners, district and state leaders, advocates and thought leaders to gain insights into the pressing challenges our clients face. Some of our research & program analysis services include:

  • Designing and implementing multiple method research, including document analysis, classroom observations, expert interviews, focus groups, stakeholder surveys and literature reviews

  • Conducting formative evaluations, by gaining clarity on the theory of action, collecting and analyzing the right data to understand the situation and inform decision-making and facilitating a process to determine course corrections

  • Conducting analyses of capacity, technical issues, readiness and implementation status and working hand-in-glove with leaders and their teams to reflect on their progress and take action

  • Providing support for grantmaking portfolio monitoring by assessing grantee progress and barriers, designing dashboards that reveal progress to ultimate outcomes and advising foundation leaders and staff on program adjustments

  • Crafting compelling web content, videos, infographics, briefs, case studies and other publications that tell the story revealed through the research & program analysis