The ELCG Cyber Security Teen Camp (Copies will be distributed at camp)


Code of Conduct

We are dedicated to providing an outstanding summer learning experience for Teens. To accomplish this goal, campers are expected to behave appropriately and promote a safe learning environment through productive participation. We ask that all campers and parents/guardians read this code together before arriving at camp.

All Campers are required to:

·       Show respect to staff and follow camp rules and directions at all times

·       Solve problems positively

·        Be respectful of all camp property and equipment

·        Use appropriate language

·        Wear appropriate clothing for camp activities

·       No Bookbags/Backpacks allowed

·       Not engage in any acts of bullying or physical/sexual/verbal abuse

·        Stay with assigned group and leave only with the permission of a camp staff member

·       Not bring any weapons, firearms or objects to camp that threaten or cause harm to others or self

·       Must follow the medication policies and not carry any over the counter or prescription medicines.

NOTE: It is not possible to anticipate every possible situation that may arise. In the absence of a particular situation or activity not listed above, COMMON SENSE AND COURTESY SHALL PREVAIL. CONSEQUENCES:

Our staff will immediately investigate all incidents. Should a child’s behavior be deemed inappropriate, the camp staff will handle the situation with appropriate discipline practices. This includes “timeouts” from the group and notifying the parent(s). If a child does not or cannot respect his or her fellow campers, our staff, the environment, and/or the entire camp community and does not respond to our intervention, further disciplinary action will be taken up to and including dismissal from the program.


Parent Signature _____________________________    Date ________________________


Camper Signature ____________________________    Date ________________________